At the Kingsley Family Practice we provide comprehensive medical services combined with health care of the highest quality.
General medicine including scripts and referrals
Men and womens health
Childhood immunisations
Blood pressure checks
Pregnancy testing, pap smears, Implanon insertion (contraceptive rod) and sexual health advice
Quit smoking advice/support,
Weight loss management, diet and lifestyle modification advice and support
Driving medicals
Travel medicine
Mental health care plans
Pre-employment/insurance Medicals
Workers compensation
Spirometry and comprehensive asthma management
Comprehensive diabetes management
Health Assessments - 75 years and over, Care Plans, 45 – 49 and 4 year old health checks
On-site INR testing
On-site 24 hour Holter monitoring
Cardiac ECG & ABI to assess peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
Aged care
Minor Surgery (removal of warts, moles, skin lesions, ingrown toenail surgery)
Wound care and dressings
Additional services include:
On-site ear syringing using our state-of-the-art ENT operating microscope
Intra articular (joint) injections - cortisone, PRP and Durolane